Wednesday, August 25, 2010

06 February: You taste like donuts. (Jen)

I can't explain it. Sometimes I kiss Ben and he smells or tastes delicious. Other times he smells like the salmon jerky he just ate and I can feel my throat prepare for vomit to pass through. I have to go immediately to a place with loads of fresh air. This poses another problem: it's 40 F outside (often snowing, too) and I can't get enough fresh air. I keep the sliding glass door to our balcony open for as long as Ben can stand it, offering him blankets before I'll consider closing the thing. Almost every smell (whether I used to like it or not) makes me either feel faint and short of breath or like I want to puke. It seems to follow then (and it does) that I have aversions to foods offering any kind of smell at all. So far, though, I've craved the following consistently: donuts, water, bread (the nuttier, the better) with butter, and frozen yogurt. Basically everything else has made me want to puke at one time or another. I do not like this new improved smeller at all; I stand convinced that as far as smells go, ignorance is bliss.

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