Wednesday, August 25, 2010

23 April: And two more things! (Jen)

We had no idea how milk comes out of a nipple, so we finally asked a good friend. She described it as being like a shower head, with milk sort of spraying out of multiple places in the nipple. We were fascinated by that, so I had to share it.

And this morning, as I was brushing my teeth and spitting dark pink foam into the sink, I thought I should blog about "pink toothbrush". What to Expect suggests that a woman see her dentist at least once, if not twice, during pregnancy, because "The gums, like the mucous membranes of the nose, become swollen, inflamed, and tend to bleed easily because or pregnancy hormones. These hormones also make gums more susceptible to plaque and bacteria, which can soon make matters worse. ... Studies show that [periodontitis] increases a woman's risk of having a premature or low-birthweight baby and having preeclampsia... Another [danger] is the tendency for uncared-for teeth to loosen in their sockets during pregnancy (which explains the old wives' tale that a woman loses a tooth for each baby)." (181). I've only been experiencing pink toothbrush for a few weeks now, but Ben and I were both glad that I'd already read enough to know what was happening when my mouth seemed to fill with blood...

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